Spring 2018 Loop Meeting Notes

Hi Fellow Fond du Lac Loop users.
Our Loop Friends group meets with our city partners a couple of times a year to get updates on trail upgrades and maintenance issues. Additionally, we are working on other plans to keep Fond du Lac a healthy, bike friendly city.
As follows:
Spring 2018 Fond du Lac Loop Friends meeting Report
Thanks to all of you who could attend.
The first 6 questions where addressed to Jordan Skiff, our excellent City Engineer; the remaining topics were Loop Friends’ questions.
- When will the Loop connection from Pioneer /Main south to East Lane happen?
Response: Funding for next year (2019) should be in place and connection will be worked on then.
- Promen St. Bridge project update?
Response: Promen St. Bridge is on a future CIP to be replaced with additional bike/ped side crossing. When exactly? Up to 10 years into the future. (sigh)
- What is the Lakeside Promenade Trail status with regard to the new pavilion plan?
Response: Plan is to run the Loop along Promen St. past the new pavilion. An additional path between the pavilion and the lakefront is also being considered.
- What is the latest on the downtown bike friendly ‘Green Lane’ plan?
Response: The concept of Green Bike Lanes along Main from Division to Western Ave is being viewed favorably. Pending City Council approval, it is our hope that this can happen this summer. If/when this comes up for discussion at City Council some of us (Loop Friends) have agreed to speak in support of the plan.
- There is a need to update ‘sharrow’ signs and lines along Pioneer and other locations. When will this happen?
Response: When signs are identified, they will be updated.
- Keeping bike lanes debris free. Can we still count on this being done?
Response: Contact Mr. Skiff’s department with locations needing to be swept; this will continue to solve the problem.
- Loop Friends activities:
Dan & Debbie Henke have been refreshing faded loop/arrow signs in Lakeside Park (thanks). I will get over to the South end of the Loop and redo the signs in that area (Pioneer-Main-Camelot). Look for additional rejuvenated Loop arrow/signs happening over the next few weeks.
- Bike bell giveway: We still have 11 bells left over from the recent Loop explore ride. We concluded that a bike safety and Loop awareness display with bike bell giveway included would be a positive thing to add to a downtown event. So,additional bells are being ordered and safety awareness event is in planning stages.
- Projects to fund/support.Grant possibilities. Your ideas are welcome.
A loop wish list that focuses on specific infrastructure improvements (big & small) will be posted as a question/response on the Loop website. Two suggested improvements would be:
- Build a new bike/ped bridge connecting the Peebles Trail directly into Lakeside Park East.
- Promote and fundraise for a separate bike/ped bridge next to the Promen St. Bridge.
10.Train Depot. A recent visit to that location revealed a few intriguing possibilities. Any downtown development grant money available?
Response: A visit to the Depot was proposed. This is a possible location for non-profits to be located there if renovation money could be found
- There is a downtown gated restaurant (using planters and other barriers) with sitting areas with no adjacent multi-bike rack. Example: Annie’s Café – the owner really loves bike visitors – even allowing bicycles in the building. Problem is that this gets pretty crowded.
Response: work with Anne to request an artistic multiple bike rack installation near her café.
- Funding update?
Response: There is approximately $12,000.00.
- Bikeshare progam?
Response: While larger cities have had success with bikeshare programs, it is still uncertain if bikeshare would work in smaller towns that do not have a large college campus population. 2019 is the current bikeshare consideration year.
The Fond du Lac Loop will not see major infrastructure additions for a while. However, the Friends of the Fond du Lac Loop will continue to focus on keeping the Loop well marked with signage and with adequate quantities of the excellent Loop brochures available out there in the community. Trail conditions will be monitored and paths that are starting to degrade and issues such as tree falls will be reported to our city/county partners.
We wish you a great summer enjoying Fond du Lac’s wonderful Loop!