Donate to the Loop

The Fond du Lac Loop Fund of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation has been established. Monies from all donors will be pooled to fund projects on a larger scale, or you may choose to specifically designate your investment for a particular purpose. The current list of needed funds include:
- Phase 1 (Improvements needed before May 2014)
- Signage and traffic lane markings $10,000
- Loop map development and printing $5,000
- Rapid flashing pedestrian beacon at the intersection of Scott Street & Brooke Street $8,000
- Website Development $5,500
- Phase 2 (Improvements desired by Spring 2015)
- Widen ramp Military Avenue & Brooke Street $1,000
- Rapid flashing pedestrian beacon at the intersection of Winnebago & Peebles $8,000
- Phase 3 (Improvements desired by Spring 2016)
- Pioneer Drive improvements (Mihill Drive to Main Street) Trail $22,000
- Winnebago Trail improvements (DeNeveu Circle to Peebles Trail) $32,000
- Peebles Trail sidewalk (trail to existing on Winnebago) $2,000
- Additional signage $4,500
The Fond du Lac Area Foundation manages and invests these funds. A volunteer board of directors governs the funds, and their distributions. Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible. To donate online: Please specify ‘FDL Loop Fund’ in the comment section. Donations can be mailed to to: Fond du Lac Area Foundation, c/o Fond du Lac Loop Fund, 384 S. Main Street, Suite 4, Fond du Lac, WI, 54935