Loop Update

We hope all of you are enjoying the Fond du Lac Loop! Improvements are happening and we are feeling very gratified by the enthusiastic buzz the Loop is getting.

Latest information:

a. The crossing light on Scott and Brook Street now has a zebra crossing plus additional yield signs that we hope will persuade motorists to behave with a little more respect for human (pedestrian) life. Winnebago Drive and Taft also has a crosswalk with yield signs.

b. The process of educating loop users to be very cautious at all intersections this will take some time but progress is ongoing. My motto is:  Verify then trust.

c. Curb cuts along the Lakeside Park Loop route are now complete. A few more Loop arrow stencils will be added soon.

d. Loop Links: We mentioned the desire to develop some Loop Links to connect adjacent neighborhoods to the Loop and this is being studied.

e. Camelot Trail: This is looking like a 2016 completion event. The Agnesian Clinic has much construction work to be done. The Agnesian Camelot Trail is being incorporated into these plans.

Finally, please let us know your thoughts and feedback on what you have seen or experienced on the Loop.

Cheers and happy/safe Looping,

John McDowell, Fond du Lac Loop Coalition President